Guest and OC Tarot

8/21-10/31 2020

Thank you to the 13 artists featured and the two very special artists who all made this possible!

The Fool (ft oc Mali)


The reason I chose the fool card for Mali is because the fool is seen as the beginning of a new adventure, leaving what is comfortable and seeking something new. In our campaign, Mali has become the child, the little sister to all of us and she seems to be very new to the world we're exploring and the good and bad have not fully manifested in her understanding. She has a lot of growing to do(our whole party does honestly!!) But Mali portrays her innocence and growth as a new adventure.

The Magician (ft oc Magnus)


The Magician is a fantastic starting point for a journey and shows the mastery of all 4 elements. And my baby sand nerd, Magnus, had a pretty decent claim to this card even though he may feel overwhelmed by some of the vast unknowns he's encountering with his party(and the emotional unknowns.)

The High Priestess (ft Jack @wickedgentleman)


And welcome my first guest character for this deck!

The High Priestess is a very special card to me and represents self reflection and awareness.
Jack is a gender fluid shapeshifter and to me that would contribute to the self awareness constantly molding itself into who you are in that moment

The Empress (ft Aria from @hayley_illustrations)


She is a half elf(half something secret) Who is struggles with the burden of her own overwhelming power... The Empress card can point to the burden of "too much of a good thing" specifically in familial obligations or responsibilities to destiny or family expectations and can suggest feeling smothered by this burden.
Aria is a QUEEN and with a lot of the inner struggles she is facing currently, I though my this card would fit her nicely!

The Emperor (ft oc Miss Doubtfire)


This is Miss Doubtfire. She owns a little boutique shop that is a front for a smuggling/contraband ring, much like the mafia, that is well known in the underground throughout the many countries! 
She is a warlock/artificer who is taking on the form of a sweet, innocent lady, but she actually looks quite different.
The Emperor card is based in control and in charge. It can be interpreted as having a firm grasp on one's assets and a sharp, skilled mind to manage your own business. Traditionally, the Emperor is shown holding a scepter and a globe to symbolize power. I chose to show my emperor holding her own hands together to symbolize her hidden yet recognize position as the leader of a profitable, well manageable illegal business.

The Hierophant (ft Sylwyn from


The Hierophant: yes, Sylwyn is an interesting choice for this typically very religious card. To me, I know this card to be about personal priorities, things that drive and motivate, and morals that keep us sane. Often this card is set in a place of great importance and the hierophant blesses those with a scepter or other some such important object. Here, this unconventional character lounges in his place of work "blessing" you by pouring out his wine.

Sylwyn isn't religious, he used to be. However his beliefs let him down and a lot of things were messed up for this poor child. As a result, it distorted his magic. He also got hooked on drugs and now works in a house of lady and gentlemen favors which is how he gets money to get more drugs. Addictions can take the place of a religion because they drive our actions and for those reasons Sylwyn lays before you in all the sexiness.

The Lovers (ft oc AKD)


I decided to go the lighthearted route and let the chibis take over this time! 😁🍻

The Lovers card is often mistaken to be all about romance and couples. Though this is a possibility, the card more relevantly suggests a hard choice, a choice between what you want and what you need. This is a heavy responsibility and may not be obvious either. Blindfolds symbolize blind love or blind to logic. Making a decision with your head or your heart, not by what is visible.

As you can see, I had a lot of fun with these guys and they are very happy with their vape juice and goldfish!

The Chariot (ft Sparrow 



The Chariot card is about continuing the journey and riding on. You have the power and everything you need to make it to your destination. Take the reins and take control!

Sparrow is a cleric monk who comes from a very tragic backstory. She was sent down a river as an infant when her parents were murdered and later found herself back at the river when the priest and monetary who took her is was slaughtered. Because her story kept leading her back to the river, that is the setting for this card. The crescent moon is a typical characteristic of the chariot card as it symbolizes coming into your full form. I chose bears as the steeds in Sparrow's chariot because I was told they were her spirit animal! And speaking of spirits, her companion passed away and now travels with her over her shoulder as a wisp.

Strength (ft Genevieve from @senkyel)


Traditionally, the card Strength shows a woman with a lion. It is believed that the lion symbolizes inner strength and the mastery of one's own power.

Genevieve is the beautiful character from @senkyel's original story(which I am SO EXCITED for!) She is gifted with light magic which is very rare. For the lion symbolize, I put a lion's face looming behind her. I don't want to say much more about why she fits this card because spoilers But please go follow @senkye so you can follow Genevieve's story!!

The Hermit (ft oc Isiris)


The Hermit is a card of seclusion and separating yourself from distractions, especially after a challenging set of events (cue the "I've seen some s***" meme XD) and is a chance to reflect and find your direction once more.
Izzy has a pretty turbulent backstory and has definitely taken some time to step back and figure out what it all means for him. The Hermit is often seen holding a candle or lantern to help guide his way through the events of his life, and in this card, Izzy holds his casting stone~

Wheel of Fortune (ft The Queen of Witches from @mythic.seitz.creations)


The Wheel of Fortune is about the cycle of power, the world, luck, and destiny. It's a very abstract card with a lot of emphasis on the inevitability of change. Like any wheel, sometimes you'll be on top and sometimes you'll be on the bottom, and perhaps there is a hidden power behind the wheel that keeps it turning over and over again.

This is Rose. An original design by @mythic.seitz.creations!

Justice (ft Aneleth from

Justice, much like Aneleth, is a very elegant card. Traditionally Justice is a woman who is blindfolded(for the "Justice is blind") holding a sword and a set of scales. Justice is fair and can be both cruel and merciful and can point to a time of judgment or definitive ruling in one's life.
Aneleth is the elf wizard ruler of the city of light and very very powerful. She loves jade jewelry and the theater and her people and rules with a gracious, just hand.

The Hanged Man (ft oc Bailey)


The Hanged Man is the card of the martyr. They have a strong moral compass and a big heart for their convictions. They are willing to sacrifice everything for what they are fighting for and can be seen as irrational in some of their actions.
Bailey is our bleeding heart. She wants to save everyone but I wonder if she also dreams of having someone to save her... Bailey has been a nostalgic light in my character Ara's life and is slowly breaking into her heart as a dear, trusted friend. I could not have asked for a more perfect fit for this card.

This card and character both have an unspeakable, precious place in my heart. I literally cried while writing this summary.

Death (ft Amadeus from @oni.nero_art)


Death is not nearly as sinister of a card as the name might suggest. Death is usually a metaphor for an end. This could be an end to a relationship, season of life, or of your thoughts/beliefs. And this end leads to a new beginning, a fresh start, a rebirth. Daffodils are the yellow petals in the picture, and daffodils are the first flower to bloom in spring, so including them symbolizes  a fresh start that goes with this card. (They are also one of Amadeus's favorite flowers so HOW PERFECT IS THAT?! XD)

Amadeus is a drow, card-weilding warlock. There's a lot in his backstory that helps to develop his growth- BUT that is all for his loving creator @oni.nero_art to disclose!

Temperance (ft Julian from @fungal.folk)


Temperance is the fluidity of what you've learned and what you believe. It often comes after a revelation of some kind and a shift in your life. It is a clear time in your life where you continue to grow and learn about yourself and hopefully become a better person for it!
Julian is an ex-vampire grave cleric. There's some pretty heavy trauma in his past that has lead him to where he is now. He's become a vegetarian now because he can't stand to be reminded of blood and flesh... Julian is taking time to learn about himself and how to live and looks like a very peaceful soul.

The Devil (ft Adam from @_camaro0n_)


The Devil card is about bad habits and the things of the past that keep coming back no matter how much you grow and try to change. You keep slipping back into those things that comforted you at the time but that you are now trying to get away from. However, The Devil keeps you tied up in this history and it is a struggle to break free.
@_camaro0n_, "Due to an accident with his powers during his youth, he resents his abilities and tries to avoid them. Unfortunately if one doesn't use their powers long enough it will build up, and explode." So he is in this struggle between something he doesn't want to do and what he has to do to survive. Poor baby... Please be nice!

The Tower (ft oc Jaron)


The Tower card is about standing up to an institution that you believe is wrong and perhaps working to bring it down. The Tower is often shown with a storm or bolt of lightning- I chose a stormy, dark, tornado sky
This is only my theory, but I think Jaron, our beautiful monster slayer, was a slave from a young age, abused, and genetically manipulated until he broke away and started out on his own as a monster hunter! I think he harbors a lot of anger towards the people that did this to him and would take every opportunity to pull down their institution. Here I show Jaron in his former chains using them to pull apart the tower that put them on in the first place!

The Star (ft Veris from @starr_n_art)


The Star is a card about finding your way. There is a guide for you and you know where to look, now you just need to trust your gut and follow it.
Veris, a changeling bard who is "currently contemplating the murder of a 19-year-old girl to keep a pact with a fey court" according to @starr_n_art, I hope Veris finds their way soon 0.0 I am very curious to see what happens!

The Moon (ft Corbyn from @aleyrazart)

The moon card is about the uncertainty of night. There's light, but it's dark and you can easily get turned around with all the shadows. Typically it means that you are looking for something but it's either hidden from you or you are lost without a light to follow.
Corbyn is an orcus tieflingg, oath of vengeance paladin for the Raven Queen~ While she was looking for her father, she got lost in the shadowfell and her red skin turned to grey with all the time she lost in this plain. She was so desperate to find her way that she called out to anyone who would listen. That's when the Raven Queen saved her and she became Corbyn's patron.

The Sun (ft Ilira from @tempest.artifex)


The Sun is simply the wonderful feeling of hope. You can feel the warmth of your situation growing brighter or you are in a wonderful place in life that fills you with joy.
Ilira is such a gorgeous character! She got married not long ago and I am so happy I got to draw her in her wedding dress! The way Tempest draws and describes Ilira is with such sunshine and bright optimism in the face of life that I am so thrilled to include her in this tarot series! Please go back to @tempest.artifex and catch up on Ilira's story if you haven't already!

Judgment (ft Solaralith from @sygdom)

Judgement is a reckoning, a come to light moment and when all your strengths and weaknesses will be tested.
Based on the card's purpose, what better character to feature here than a DND boss! Solaralith is a watcher and there is a lot of wickedness in her story. She possesses people and is willing to go to extraordinary lengths to get what she wants with little regard of those around her.

The World


The World is the last card. It is a combination of all the cards beforehand and symbolizes an ascendance to new knowledge, thinking, beliefs, or a new experience. And it is also the end of a journey, the same journey that The Fool card started and that every card after contributed to.

ARTISTS FEATURED: @wickedgentleman @hayley_illustrations @zack_still_draws_everything @senkyel @mythic.seilz.creations @fungal.folk @_cameroOn_ @starr_n_art @aleyrazart @tempest.artifex @sygdom

Special thanks: @zephyrbug @doom.loli

I had a lot of fun with this 6 week series. I'd especially like to thank some artists who were sadly not featured in a card, but that their comments and encouragement either at the beginning and/or throughout this process meant the world to me and I am very grateful!🎈

First, @zephyrbug was the first person to give me the idea to do a set of tarot cards by leaving a very encouraging message on The Fool card back before I even thought of doing all 22 cards! 😁🥰 Secondly, @doom.loli was so insightful and supportive, especially during the planning and recruiting of artist's ocs! They both have outstanding designs and are so worth checking out!


Ace in the Feywild part 1 - 1/11-13/12/2020


MerMay 2020 coloring pages