Traditional Sale Items

Thank you for looking through my traditional artwork! This Page includes:

  • Mixed Media

  • Woodworking

    If you find piece(s) you would like to purchase, please contact me with the item’s title. Payment is accepted through Paypal. Other forms of payment may be considered.

Mixed Media

Mixed media may include spray paint, watercolors, acrylic, wood stain, spray on makeup, colored pencil, crayon

I Will Serve You

I Will Serve You is spray paint and acrylic on a thrift store photograph.

I Will Serve You is a warrior who has removed her helmet and is kneeling before a throne. It is a reminder to lay my life down every day for the Unseen God. I give Him my ‘yes‘ and work with and for Him, not myself, and not the world. He is the one who will be sitting on the throne when I finally see Him.

Price: $190

Abstract - Birthday

Abstract - Birthday is spray paint, sharpie, and acrylic on a thrift store photograph.

Abstract - Birthday is inspired by my birthday. There are a ton of clues and easter eggs hidden around that give hints to who I am and it was super fun to do this whole picture! In the past, my birth date has been a source of a lot of pain and anxiety. I have not enjoyed celebrating my birthday at all, but I believe there has been a lot of healing and redemption. It is now something I hope to celebrate with healthy people in the future. <3

Price: $380

*Title card available $10


Butterflies is spray paint and acrylic on a thrift store canvas.

Butterflies is a picture I saw while at a worship night with some very beautiful people. While we sang white gauzy shrouds blew around us and wings circled us being drawn upwards. I felt soft wingbeats like butterflies around us and Revelation 7:15-17 came to mind.

Price: $220

By the Water

By the Water is spray paint, acrylic, sharpie and finger painting on a thrift store mirror

By the Water is a piece that took me awhile to figure out- mirror painting is challenging in many ways. But ultimately I’m happy with the result! The point was to bring a cool, relaxing image with a beautiful, magical undertone. Kind of a continuation of The Secret Place. I was feeling the urge to find quite space to make room for adoring and sending up love.

Price: $150

*Title card available $10

Journey at Dusk

Journey at Dusk is spray paint, watercolor, and acrylic on a thrift store photograph

Journey at Dusk is a white stag approaching a mysterious fortress. Some say it’s Harry Potter-vibes, other say Narnia. Honestly, I agree with both! White stags are my favorite animal and I really loved working on this picture. Gotta have a good story to go with it~

Price: $290

*Title card available $10

Too Good to Not Believe

Too Good to Not Believe is spray paint, acrylic, finger painting, and watercolors on a thrift store canvas/frame

Too Good to Not Believe is an Easter picture!!

Price: $190

Soulmate - Always

Soulmate - Always is acrylics, watercolors, lipstick, sharpie, woodstain, and crayons on a piece of hardwood

Soulmate - Always is a much older picture, but it holds up very well! Inspired by my best friend and creative muse M. M. <3 Though I don’t know if she’s ever seen it! The script on the frame means “Beautiful Soul“ and I would say Poets of the Fall “Beautiful Ones“ was heavily listened to while painting this!

Thank you so much for your constant friendship in my life. You’ve meant the world to me and there are so many moments where I don’t know what I would’ve done if I didn’t know you were there for me. You are such a cherished gift and blessing in my life. We’re the perfect Raven and Starfire, both dark and sparkly. I love you more than the moon and all the stars my darkling.

Price: $180

*Title card available $10


Lurkers is spray paint, acrylic, finger painting, and watercolors on a thrift store canvas/frame

Lurkers is one of my favorite pictures I’ve done. There was so much time that went into the colors and subtitles of the piece as well as seeing how many lil spooks I could hide throughout the piece! Even in the last week before this show I am still recounting and adding more!

Price: $310

*Title card available $10

There Be Dragons

There Be Dragons is spray paint, watercolor, and scorching on a thrift store canvas

There Be Dragons is the first picture I was able to paint in 2023. Before this time I found myself terribly sick whenever I sat down to draw or paint. I loved the subtlety of this picture and wanted to keep it as light as possible, even in the castle walls and girl’s dress so that her hair and the dark, scorched skies and glimpses of the dragons really stood out.


*Title card available $10

Blue Stain

Blue Stain is a mirror painted with spray paint, watercolors, and sharpie.

Blue Stain kicked off the line up for this show and is my favorite mirror piece I’ve done so far. Inspired by an image I got in my head of a violin performer in the ruins of a cathedral. “No matter the audience, no matter the walls, I will make noise to reach you and love you from wherever I stand.“


*Title card SOLD


Redemption is spray paint, acrylic, sharpie and finger painting on a thrift store canvas

Redemption was a picture that took about six months to finally finish. It was with me through a lot of different transitions, cried over, abandoned, and returned to. Sometimes I knew what I was doing with it, and other times I could barely see what my hands were doing. Ultimately I am happy with the result. To me it shows the conflict and transitions of the time as well as the peace in the storm and hope that can be held.


*Title card available $10

Abstract Tides

Abstract Tides is spray paint, sharpie, and acrylic finger paint on a thrift store canvas

Abstract Tides is inspired by words of knowledge I was given. One described abstract art and the picture of my life that was being painted around me. The other was of two whirlpools, and as I surrendered to one, I was pulled out of the other. I could stop fighting so hard for my life and trying to control what I wanted, but instead let myself be taken around to the eventual destination. Though it is barely visible, Psalm 139 is written on the canvas as well.


*Title card available $10


- Cheers to Goodbye -

Cold is spray paint and acrylic on a mirror background

Inspired by the song Cold by Dark Divine and Cheers to Goodbye by Escape the Fate, this picture is meant to reflect the room around it- either showing a lively crowd of people or a cold, empty room. In both the figure is meant to stand alone in the ashes and reach up to something beautiful while their gown is stained. They can either be ascending or descending- their fate in limbo.


*Title card available $10

Wood Sculpting and Carvings

Wood pieces are done on a variety of wood types and may also include watercolor paints, wood stain, wood burning, spray on make up, and wood burning and scorching techniques

The Bride’s Return

The Bride’s Return is woodsculpting, wood scorch/burning, watercolors, wood stain, and spray on makeup on half of a headboard.

The Bride’s Return is a last minute entry to the show. It is a bride traveling on a narrow road, lead by a firey spirit to her kingdom ahead. Inspired by “Me on your Mind“ by Matthew West and the verse “Yet I am always with you, you hold me by my right hand, you guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory“ Psalm 73:23-24

TOTALLY a Holy Spirit picture- I would not have come up with this one on my own! XD At the time of inception, I had all my pictures ready and finalized for this art show. Then, all of a sudden I recieved this last minite picture and my response was, “Really? Is this what we’re doing?“ And the response was “Yes.“ He really is the best creative leader and even though this picture was technically very difficult and a lot went wrong at times, it was such a joy to do it with and for Him.

Price: $300

*Title card available $10

Eyes on You

Eyes on You is recycled wood carved out with power tools, burned with a blowtorch and burning pen, and stained with food coloring,

Eyes on You was inspired by the song Eyes on You by Nine Lashes. It features three figures and the same destination as the kingdom from The Bride’s Return. Each figure is in a different stage of their journey and a different location on the road. One is at the very begining, excited, inspired, full of fire and zeal, ready for the long adventure. The second is resting, looking out to the kingdom beyond, peaceful and full of memories and love, dreaming of what is to come and being comforted where they are. And the third is in the last leg of their journey, they sail over the waters, finally coming home. These are all stages that we can cycle through in out life, while also representing the broad overview of our life. The one thing that unites these figures is their goal, what they have their eyes on. They keep their eyes focused, whether in the beginning, during rest, on at the very end, their eyes are up and on Him. <3

Price: $300

El Roi - The Greatest Love Story

El Roi (God who sees me) - The Greatest Love Story

Price: $150

Story Telling

This was my very first wood sculpture. It is one continuous picture that runs along all four sides

Price: $110

The Secret Place

The Secret Place is wood sculpting with scorching, burning, staining, dremeling, spray on makeup, and watercolors on half a headboard

The Secret Place is a reference to alone time with God. The place that only you and Him are and the things you share together there.

Price: $210

*Title card available $10

Let’s Take an Adventure

Let’s Take an Adventure is scorched pine wood and dremel carving

Let’s Take an Adventure is a three-piece picture of some of my favorite things about the fall season, including the romantic harvest moon, spooky fantasy buildings, and of course, smiling jack-o-lanterns and old graveyards.

Price: $160

*Title card available $10

All That is Gold

(Riddle of Strider by JRR Tolkien)

All That is Gold is scorched wood, wood burning, and dremeling

All That is Gold has kind of a funny origin… I was looking for a print or art piece with this poem in the beautiful, iconic Tolkien script and I could not find any that I liked! So I broke out my tools and decided to make it myself.


*Title card available $10

Not Just a Western God

Not Just a Western God is wood sculpting with scorching, burning, wood staining, spray on makeup and watercolors

Not Just a Western God was inspired by testimonies from Japan of people hearing the name of Jesus and their tearful response, “I thought He was just a western God.“ This broke by heart… The idea for this picture was given to me the day I found out I was accepted to this art show.

There is a warrior at the top of a staircase strewn with cherry blossoms to show God’s passionate love for us and His compassion for our journey with Him. There are three waterfalls to symbolize the love that never runs dry as well as the trinity’s power. The two lanterns are to show God’s eyes full of love and fierce pursuit of us. The Torii gate symbolizes the spiritual world that we are invited to walk in and where God moves. The warrior is kneeling before the cross with his katana unsheathed in surrender.


*Title card available $10

Dream, Fight, Rest

Dream, Fight, Rest is wood sculpting, wood burning, spray paint makeup, and wood stain

Dream, Fight, Rest was my very first wood sculpting project that was finished around February this year. At the time, I was mentally and physically unable to paint without throwing up or going into a panic attack. So I turned to a different creative medium to try to do anything. “Dream Fight Rest“ are meant to show the three stages we go through in life; dreaming, fighting for what we want, and resting after the fight is won. Since then I’ve continued to regularly do woodworking as well as painting.


*Title card available $10