Mysterious Dark Sweethearts


Mysterious Dark Sweethearts or MDS is a collection of original characters and designs that are meant to explore the dark and fantastical. Based off history, legend, and life, these sweethearts are here to charm and burn.

This idea originated several years ago and is now resurfacing with new and reimagined characters! Hope you enjoy~

The Little Match Girl - Wic

Inspired by the dark fairytale The Little Match Girl by Hans Christian Anderson, Wic is a rogue/RPG reimagining of this classic character with ranged abilities.

Her hair takes on the shades of a candle and her weapon is a torch with a Zippo-spark wheel trigger.


Cotton is a 12 year old graveyard explorer and is prepared to deal with all the adventures and nasties you could expect to find in a strange place like that.

Cotton first began exploring graveyards when she was very young and is now well experienced in the skill. She is deadly with her knife and as silent as the dead. In an RPG she is meant to act as a close ranged-assassin.

The Harvester

The Harvester is a harvest/fall themed character. They are meant to be played as a fighter tank with a morphing right arm. Primarily they use a scythe and their ultimate can light an enemy on fire(because what else is a greedier harvester than fire.)

The Harvester was created when a jealous farmer killed his neighbor and burned his fields.


Nightlight is a healer. She can blind opponents and grant rest and healing to her allies.

She was born when a star got lost in the night. But she kept on shining even when no other stars were around to help her.


Krampus is a traditional Yule spirit who wanders on the night of Yuletide(December 5th) to kidnap and punish children who have misbehaved.

Some call Krampus an assistant of Santa Claus, others say he is based on the devil. Either way, he’s meant to be played as a fighter and will beat you with his bundle of sticks if you misbehave.

Pine the Winter Phantom

I made Pine for the Winter Solstice. She’s an undead mage ghost with ice attacks.

The Winter Solstice is the longest night of the year, the perfect night for spooky stories. Pine acts as an angel of death for those who wonder alone on cold winter nights. When you start to feel sleepy she appears in the corner of your eyes and will guide you to your afterlife once a blanket of snow has covered your frozen body.

Bex, Bad Maid

Bex is a ranged fighter who shoots webs from her umbrella weapon. Mostly her attacks do damage and slow her enemies down, but for her special attacks she shoots poisoned webs that will do even more damage.

No one quite knows how Bex came to be, some say she was a spider egg that hatched in the cobwebs of a crashed, abandoned alien craft, others say she was a lazy maid who never dusted the corners of a sorcerer’s mansion and was cursed for all the cobwebs she ignored. Others saw she is the descendent of Arachne who was turned into a spider by a jealous goddess.

Bad Bunny - Year of the Rabbit

2023 is the year of the zodiac rabbit in the water element.

This Bad Bunny is a ranged fighter with a special dash attack and his own lucky rabbit’s foot.

Jacki - Captain Hook

Jacki was cursed with a hunger that could never be satisfied which eventually manifested itself as teeth and a mouth in her torso.

She uses an attack called Ensnare where she will hook enemies with her hook to do damage and a finishing move called Engulf where she will gain a temporary buff in addition to doing damage

Little Miss Graverobber

This little cutie is only known by “Little Miss Graverobber“ because she has quite forgotten her given name, and because she will see a new name on a gravestone every-so often that she quite fancies and insist on being called by it. No one can keep track anymore so they all call her by her title- it is safer that way.

This necromancer is a collector of cute things and hopes to make some cute friends at some point- the dead are not very cute after they’ve been buried.

She can help your party by granting you temporary hit points(“zombie“ points) and by called on the undead to fight for her.

Daze - Red Knight

Daze is a clockwork marionette who wished to be a real girl. She was created by a factory that mass produced toys for children and performing artists. Daze thought differently from the rest of her doll sisters and brothers. She didn’t want little children and clowns to tell her what to do all her life and be put away every night. But Daze was only a doll, so what did she do, she wished.

And this wisher was found. A water spirit who had be cast out from the holy well they occupied granted Daze her wish to be alive and took up the place of her sword. The two set out together with mutual intentions to accomplish mutual and individual goals.

The Sword is named Merci and does both slashing and water damage. Daze can also use an ultimate attack that summons a cyclone of water to drown her enemies. She can also be revived as long as someone wind her back up if she is knocked out.

Dinl - Death in Life

Dinl is the patron goddess of the suffering in life. Specifically children with breathing diseases and the terminally ill children.

She is often seen as a curse, a guardian to be feared and respected. And parents often petition her to stay away, But when children call to her she often takes away their pain.

Not a playable character, but can give party members buffs and assets for combat including poisons, torture devices, and diseases.

Lind - Life in Death

Lind is the patron god of spring and death. He is comforting to those who are dying and can be persuaded to end evil people before their time. Because of this he is often called on by victims of violence and assassins.

Despite this, Lind honestly prefers quiet dawns when the flowers are just starting to wake up and there is still a light fog in the air.

Wish - The White Stag

A Sub-entity of the world. Is said to grant wishes if you are able to catch them (aka buffs and special items)

A mysterious person, made up of secret wishes and old scars. Untouched by the world, but still hurt by it.

On a personal note, I see this entity as an old version of myself. And the person I can be when I am lonely, scarred, and unhealthy. Something to grow from and be better than.

Promise - Owl King

Raveness - Kate Edgeworm




Art Show 2023 September