Meredith Tuve at:

Pancakes and Booze - Minneapolis

Art submissions shown April 27th, 2024

All pieces are for sale

Multiple forms of media were used including wood sculpting with power tools, wood burning, dremel, staining, acrylics, watercolors, spray painting, spray on makeup, and finger painting

Blue Stain

Blue Stain is a mirror painted with spray paint, watercolors, and sharpie.

Blue Stain kicked off the line up for this show and is my favorite mirror piece I’ve done so far. Inspired by an image I got in my head of a violin performer in the ruins of a cathedral. “No matter the audience, no matter the walls, I will make noise to reach you and love you from wherever I stand.“

Abstract - Birthday

Abstract - Birthday is spray paint, sharpie, and acrylic on a thrift store photograph.

Abstract - Birthday is inspired by my birthday. There are a ton of clues and easter eggs hidden around that give hints to who I am and it was super fun to do this whole picture! In the past, my birth date has been a source of a lot of pain and anxiety. I have not enjoyed celebrating my birthday at all, but I believe there has been a lot of healing and redemption. It is now something I hope to celebrate with healthy people in the future. <3

The Bride’s Return

The Bride’s Return is woodsculpting, wood scorch/burning, watercolors, wood stain, and spray on makeup on half of a headboard.

The Bride’s Return is a last minute entry to the show. It is a bride traveling on a narrow road, lead by a firey spirit to her kingdom ahead. Inspired by “Me on your Mind“ by Matthew West and the verse “Yet I am always with you, you hold me by my right hand, you guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory“ Psalm 73:23-24

TOTALLY a Holy Spirit picture- I would not have come up with this one on my own! XD At the time of inception, I had all my pictures ready and finalized for this art show. Then, all of a sudden I recieved this last minite picture and my response was, “Really? Is this what we’re doing?“ And the response was “Yes.“ He really is the best creative leader and even though this picture was technically very difficult and a lot went wrong at times, it was such a joy to do it with and for Him.

Journey at Dusk

Journey at Dusk is spray paint, watercolor, and acrylic on a thrift store photograph

Journey at Dusk is a white stag approaching a mysterious fortress. Some say it’s Harry Potter-vibes, other say Narnia. Honestly, I agree with both! White stags are my favorite animal and I really loved working on this picture. Gotta have a good story to go with it~

By the Water

By the Water is spray paint, acrylic, sharpie and finger painting on a thrift store mirror

By the Water is a piece that took me awhile to figure out- mirror painting is challenging in many ways. But ultimately I’m happy with the result! The point was to bring a cool, relaxing image with a beautiful, magical undertone. Kind of a continuation of The Secret Place. I was feeling the urge to find quite space to make room for adoring and sending up love.

Too Good to Not Believe

Too Good to Not Believe is spray paint, acrylic, finger painting, and watercolors on a thrift store canvas/frame

Too Good to Not Believe is an Easter picture!!

Soulmate - Always

Soulmate - Always is acrylics, watercolors, lipstick, sharpie, woodstain, and crayons on a piece of hardwood

Soulmate - Always is a much older picture, but it holds up very well! Inspired by my best friend and creative muse M. M. <3 Though I don’t know if she’s ever seen it! The script on the frame means “Beautiful Soul“ and I would say Poets of the Fall “Beautiful Ones“ was heavily listened to while painting this!

Thank you so much for your constant friendship in my life. You’ve meant the world to me and there are so many moments where I don’t know what I would’ve done if I didn’t know you were there for me. You are such a cherished gift and blessing in my life. We’re the perfect Raven and Starfire, both dark and sparkly. I love you more than the moon and all the stars my darkling.

The Secret Place

The Secret Place is wood sculpting with scorching, burning, staining, dremeling, spray on makeup, and watercolors on half a headboard

The Secret Place is a reference to alone time with God. The place that only you and Him are and the things you share together there.

Not Just a Western God

Not Just a Western God is wood sculpting with scorching, burning, wood staining, spray on makeup and watercolors

Not Just a Western God was inspired by testimonies from Japan of people hearing the name of Jesus and their tearful response, “I thought He was just a western God.“ This broke by heart… The idea for this picture was given to me the day I found out I was accepted to this art show.

There is a warrior at the top of a staircase strewn with cherry blossoms to show God’s passionate love for us and His compassion for our journey with Him. There are three waterfalls to symbolize the love that never runs dry as well as the trinity’s power. The two lanterns are to show God’s eyes full of love and fierce pursuit of us. The Torii gate symbolizes the spiritual world that we are invited to walk in and where God moves. The warrior is kneeling before the cross with his katana unsheathed in surrender.


All That is Gold

(Riddle of Strider by JRR Tolkien)

All That is Gold is scorched wood, wood burning, and dremeling

All That is Gold has kind of a funny origin… I was looking for a print or art piece with this poem in the beautiful, iconic Tolkien script and I could not find any that I liked! So I broke out my tools and decided to make it myself.



Art Show 2024 June

