Spooky Tarot - Guest Tarot 2021 series

Thank you so much to all the artists who made this tarot set possible! I am so grateful for their amazing characters and backstories. Please go support them and share this page if you enjoyed it~

 The Fool (ft BD @_studioscissors_)

BD, or "Black Death" as The Fool

They have such an amazing backstory was written for her I am just going to copy and paste what they've said:

"she is something between a zombie and a ghost, another kind of monster, simply called "the undead". People like her maintain most of their appereance, from before death. The twist is, that the scars from what had killed them remain. This happens to ghosts as well, but people who reach the "eternal happiness" and don't appear back in human world look exactly as they did in the happiest moment of their life. Basically they might have died at 90 but in their afterlife, they will appear 20. Now what makes the undead stay on earth? Unfinished business. But it's not exactly things they didn't get to finish in their lifetime. Going by this logic, 99% of people would have had to come back from the other side. This unfinished business is more about self-fulfilment. And this is when we get back to BD. She was very young when she died, so naturally, she didn't do everything she wanted in her life. But what keeps her bound to Earth is the fact, that she never actually got to be a child. Living in 1340s, it was expected from her to act like a adult from the very beggining and to top it all of, she came from a very rich family. Now it has been hundreds of years, but some MYSTERIOUS FORCES brought her back from the other side around 1950s. She spent so much time dead, that she doesn't even remebmer who she used to be. That's why she uses a name based on the plague, that caused her demise."

The Fool card is BD's because The Fool represents a new journey, the begining of something new. Now BD is on her way to discovering how to be a child... What better character to start off with than a spooky zombie child who just wants to have fun?? ;)

 The Magician (ft Violet @kiranight)

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Violet as The Magician

Second character from @kiranight !!

Everyone's favorite pyrogirl~ I love Violet. She’s a spunky pyromancer and I really love seeing her in @kira's artwork! Violet is determined, feisty, and obviously very powerful. The Magician card is about the opportunities at your fingertips and the power you wield to control the outcomes you want. I was so honored to include this character in my spooky tarot and a HUGE thanks to @kiranight for her amazing character design and story!

Kira is actually the reason I decided to get into digital art- I met her at a convention and bought ALL the keychains from her XD Please go show her some support and check out her store for ADORABLE chibis of this character(if they're not sold out ;) ) and her love interest Rowan

 The High Priestess (ft Shannon @mad_hatter_13)

Shannon as The High Priestess

Please welcome the third guest character from @mad_hatter_13

This was a brand new character I learned about specifically for this tarot series. It's so much fun getting to meet new artists and characters through this series. I am so grateful to be using Shannon for this card!

Shannon is her second name her first name is Nimue. 

Shannon is somehow the black sheep in her family. She tries her best but she's a really shy person and her parents always tell her that she should keep quiet because she is not as good as her siblings. One night, she meets the great human wizard, Merlin. He wants to teach her magic in a human school. Her parents say that he can take Nimue but there's one condition: she needs to change her name and is forbidden to use her surname so that no one knows that their child is attending a school for humans.

When her third eye opened, she became really powerful she could see past, future. She became Nimue again (the lady of the lake) and guardian of Excalibur. (There is a reference to King Arthur in the card ;) ) but for herself and for her friends she will always be Shannon.

The High Priestess card is a card that revolves around the "third eye" as well as being a card that is never supposed to speak. It is about looking inside yourself to find the answers and looking at things from a spiritual point of view.

The Empress (ft Eden @Kurome.koi)

Eden as The Empress

This is Eden! She comes here from @kurome.koi and I adore this design. 

The Empress card is about home and family- now that may not stand out right away in this neon, punk beauty, but Eden strikes me as someone who has made the streets her home. She knows what is important in a family and has become so comfortable on the rooftops and night sky that she sees this as her home.

The Emperor (ft Aire @ravenleii)

Aire as The Emperor

This is Aire, the moon boi from @ravenleii

So, Aire is very protective of the things he finds valuable, such as his home forest and family. He's also the descendent of a very powerful magic user and has the unique ability to control ice! He is elegant yet deadly and smart enough to prioritize and quickly determine the worth of something.

Please go check out @ravenleii and all their beautiful characters!

The Hierophant (ft Jabril from @doom.loli)

Jabril as The Hierophant

Intro JABRIL!!! Epic character from @doom.loli

Her backstory is AMAZing and she's been through some really hard times in her long life! She's an amazing warrior who represents sacrifice for her family and a strong core.

Fun Fact: @doom.loli was a big encouragement last year when I did my last tarot series! I'm so honored that I get to feature her beautiful OC here!

The Lovers (ft Ramia from @serpentigena_art)

Ramia as The Lovers

This is Ramia from @serpentigena_art and her series project Chaos Bringers! 

There was very little about Ramia's story that I was able to get, but her design just spoke to me. The mask/blindfold is a staple of the Lovers card and the difficult choice between what your head and your heart want. 

I am super excited to keep following @serpentigena_art's series! Please go check them out and support their awesome artwork! 

The Chariot (ft Vixin from @jack_brown_2d_annimations)

All hail queen Vixin as The Chariot!!

So Vixin is from @Jack_brown_2D_animations and I really love her story~

Seriously one of the best things about doing these cards is 1) getting to listen to all their trauma, backstories, personalities, etc! I can't get enough!! And 2) is being able to interpret that character in a tarot card~

Please go support and follow @Jack_brown_2D_animations! They're so kind and supportive and I am so grateful I got to draw one of their OCs!

Strength (ft Tanya from @meowlayn.art)

Introducing Tanya as Strength~

This is the beautiful Tanya from @meowlayn.art! I really can't get enough of Tanya's design or the witchdoctor vibes I got when reading about her character!

Please go checkout @meowlayn.art 's lovely work and fantastic characters!! I feel so honored that I got to add one of their OCs to this tarot deck! <3

The Hermit (ft Xiro from @eivythi)

Say hello to Xiro~ Everyone's favorite introvert!

Xiro comes from the broadly talented @eivythi 's Glass Eden! He was left alone for countless years in these abandoned catacombs full of books and other things. During his time there he tinkered with robotics, read, taught himself how to play instruments, and was kept company by the butterflies and birds.

This may be one of my favorite cards I've made so far... probably because of the violin. I'm a sucker for violins and used to play myself! Also- instruments are so difficult to do... Super grateful for how it turned out! <3

Thank you so much @eivythi for letting me draw your boi! I had so much fun and am so happy I got to include him in this series!

The Wheel of Fortune (ft Morada from @spikulec)

Morada!!! We made it! We're halfway there!!

Morada travels all the way through her distorted, insane mind from @spikulec ~

Morada has a tragic, fall from grace backstory in which she loses her mind. They then come back to wreak havoc on the DND party of @spikulec

Please go check out @spikulec! As someone who used to do TONS of watercolours, I absolutely love and admire when the medium is done so well! And @spikulec has some of the most vibrant designs I've ever seen in watercolour! <3

Whenever I do these guest cards- it always seems to come easier once I've gotten halfway there... I think it's because it feels more solidified as a project <3

Justice (ft Seke from @calyk_arts)

Seke as Justice~

Seke is the amazingly detailed character from @calyk_arts!

Please go check out Seke's story and all the amazing art and details @calyk_arts has up on their page!

The Hanged Man (ft Lexxia from @akirakirai)

My pleasure to give you Lexxia as The Hanged Man

This stunning bunny girl comes from the inspiring @akirakirai ! @akirakirai has been such an amazing act to follow and they work so hard on their project @metalshadecomic . I've been a huge supporter of their work for a few years now and I highly recommend checking out their beautiful work!

The Hanged Man is a very special card to me and I was so honored to have Lexxia take this card <3 Thank you to @akirakirai and all the other artists who so graciously trust me to draw their characters in these cards!

Death (ft Death from @little.miss.nyctophile)

Death as Death!! Bit on the nose but I love it!

Death is the most precious @little.miss.nyctophile 's OC and was actually the very FIRST character I recruited for this deck! Death has a counterpart OC, Life, who stands behind him. As a character, Death is very laid back and easy going, while Life is more uptight and structured. I've been in love with this dynamic since @little.miss.nyctophile first told me about them!

@little.miss.nyctophile is my muse and so amazingly creative and talented! They're my most favorite and I highly encourage everyone to go support them!!!

Temperance (ft Sunken Priestess from @yelmeister)

Sunken Priestess as Temperance~

This mysterious enchantress is from @yelmeister

The Temperance card is about equality, balance, and peace. In this spooky version, I went with the card’s reverse meaning which is eternity, discord, and unease.

@yelmeister does absolutely beautiful art! I love the decaying half of this character. They also have amazing writings with their posts which is always such a pleasure to read... Please go check out their account. And a huge thank you to @yelmeister for trusting me with their lovely OC <3

The Devil (ft Eri from @zephyrbug)

My pleasure to introduce Eri as The Devil!!!

Eri is @zephyrbug 's wizard OC and her backstory is phenomenal! I got a whole google doc on it and it's always been one of my favorite parts to read all the character context! It's basically how I figure out where characters fit in the deck!

Fun fact: @zephyrbug was one of the people who encouraged me last year and kept me going with the first tarot deck last year! I've really, really appreciated their kind words that have kept me going with these longer projects!!! SO honored to draw one of their amazing characters!!!

The Tower (ft Gabriela from @rikkananavani)

Gabriela as The Tower!

This strong heart comes from @rikkananavani ! I SUPER appreciate being allowed to include this OC in this series. Not only is she beautiful, but her story is so full of strength and resilience with a good dose of malicious corruption that she has to overcome!

Thank you so much @rikkananavani for this amazing character to draw!

The Star (ft Mercy from @gotmynameinlights)

My pleasure to introduce Mercy as The Star!

It's a tiefling!!! (low-key my favorite race!!!) Mercy is @gotmynameinlights 's OC~ Fun fact: When I was talking to @gotmynameinlights about Mercy and this project, Mercy and her partner came very close to being The Lovers card! I even got a sound clip of an ADORABLE SCENE that happened in their DND campaign and oh my goodness my heart. However- if you've talked to me about tarot meanings or study them yourself, you know that The Lovers is actually a pretty sad card- rarely having to do with actual love. <3

So, with that in mind, Mercy took The Star card! This is from her backstory. Mercy renamed herself when she survived a horrible fire in the underdark that killed her family. She wandered, looking for purpose and surviving. But survive she did, and she remained as loving and resilient as she always had. And that's why she's The Star <3

Thank you SO MUCH to @gotmynameinlights for the backstory, the character, and all the joy I got from painting her!

The Moon (ft Raven from @hayley_illustrations)

May I present Raven as The Moon

This is Raven (her corruption arc) from the incredibly creative @hayley_illustrations! I am SMITTEN with this corrupted design and am so honored to have her filling in this historically spooky, mysterious card!

Besides my own OCs, I believe I've drawn more of @hayley_illustrations 's OCs than anyone else's! XD When I was first getting into instagram, I participated and WON @hayley_illustrations DTIYS! It was such an honor and Hayley has always been amazing at backstories and designs that always peak my creativity! (Also, she's just an amazing person and I highly recommend you go ask her about her characters! ;) )

Thank you so much @hayley_illustrations! Please please go check out their characters!

The Sun (ft Freya from @annie-dean)

I give you Freya as The Sun!

Freya is from @annie.dean (specifically nightgown Freya!) Another tiefling!!! I've been blessed this week!!

Freya is possibly the most wholesome character in this spooky series! When reading about her backstory I fell in love with this happy-go-lucky mortician turned necromancer! Right away I knew I wanted Freya for The Sun card!

Fun fact: I was almost named Freya as a baby and there are times I still wish I had been!

I'm so grateful to @annie.dean for letting me include Freya in this series! I can't believe this series is almost over! Please don't forget to go look through @annie.dean ‘s beautiful artwork and support her!!

Judgement (ft Shemira from @sunnyartsketches)

Spooky Spooky it's Shemira as Judgement!

Shemira comes from the incredible @sunnyartsketches and it is such an honor to include this dangerous, fallen aasimar in this series!

The Judgement card has so much power and I think Shemira is a beautiful fit! Thank you to @sunnyartsketches for letting me paint her as well as for allowing me to vent and be excited about this entire series! Their encouragement has meant a lot to me!

The World (ft August from @cryptidcasanova)

For the finale, may I give you August as The World!

August comes straight from the creative mind of @cryptidcassanova ! As soon as I read about August I knew which card I wanted him for.

This whole series has had a low-key haunted circus vibe starting with The Fool on her way to a midnight circus and ending here, with the undead ringmaster (and the BEST orange fluffy hair I have ever seen!!) XD

It was such a joy to draw this spooky guy! Thank you so so much to @cryptidcassanova for their permission to include August here!

And thank you again, SO MUCH, to every artist and individual who participated, liked, encouraged, or shared this series! It's been a blast! Hopefully, I'll do something like this again next year!


Tarot Album 2022


Ace in the Feywild pt 5 - Suit of Swords